I Am A Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
An order issued and decreed
By an Authority of Wisdom up High
In my bondage ONLY to Him, I am freed
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
Not first a daughter, nor first a wife
Not first a mother, nor EVEN first a woman
But ALWAYS first a MUSLIM, in this journey called life
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am A Muslim Woman
My roles and functions quite clearly designated
Transcribed from inspirations and revelations Divine
The Hadith and Quraan, beauteous and sanctified
No need have I to fight for what’s mine
My case has already been fought…and won!
In the Supreme Court and under the Fairest Judge Of mankind
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
Who has to endeavour and learn each day, each night
EXACTLY what my Lord requires of me
So that I may fulfill my Promise…His Right
And in return secure and gain the Ultimate Success
The Ultimate Reward…His Vision, His Sight
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
Enshrouded in veils of black, all clad from head to toe
NOT because I am oppressed, uneducated or denied
SIMPLY because my Lord has Commanded it so
And in obeying Him, I feel replete…complete inside
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman
I am a Muslim Woman
Who feels no need or compulsion to compete,
Fight nor revolt and rise against my husband
I have NOT been created for such a feat!
My role is to be his and his is to be mine…comfort and companion
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
Who BOLDLY declares to all those who dare
Dare to fight, to condemn, to revolt, to rise
Against the Truth, the Sunnah, the Shariah
Your final accolade will UNDOUBTEDLY be no prize
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
The Greatest Teacher (SAW) has taught me my role
Through Hadith and Quraan, Sunnah and Shariah
I can attain success and achieve the Supreme Goal
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am a Muslim Woman

I am a Muslim Woman
And to my fellow mothers, my fellow sisters, I say
Let NOT the ways of the west and shaytaan lead you astray
SHOUT OUT…in your actions, in your words, in your thoughts
“I have been honoured, I have been blessed
This is my way…the ONLY WAY
I am A Muslim Woman, Today, Tomorrow, Forever”
All Praises are due to Allah
For I am…You are…a Muslim Woman

(A poem I had written in 2007 for The Muslim Woman Magazine, in response to a my coverage of a programme by a Muslim feminist)

Let His Love lead the way…in the Blessings of ALLAH endeavour to live your day! RSB

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