“Inspired by Islam”

During the ‘madness’ called youth and those tumultous teenage years, we find ourselves constantly searching. Searching for happiness, love and affirmation; searching for direction and purpose; undoubtedly searching for inspiration. How fortunate are those who find all that they are searching for in the haven called Islam! How blessed are those who experience the inspiration of Islam. In this month’s article in the series In The Embrace of Islam, a young Irish sister shares her story of reversion and of simply being…inspired by Islam.

“Assalaamualaikum. Bismillahirahmaniraheem. Praise be to ALLAH, the Lord of the worlds and may peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam. I was born in the UK, to a Catholic family originally from Ireland. I was an only child and during my childhood and youth, I preferred not to intermingle with the opposite sex as well as preferring to stay away from alcohol, smoking and going to nightclubs as was the way of my friends and classmates.

However, I never really thought about religion or even the purpose of life. The first time that I came across Islam was during a World Religions class at the age of sixteen. I studied all the religions but the only religion that captured my heart was Islam. First I studied and learnt about the basics of Islam. For example the five pillars of Islam: praying salaah five times a day; fasting in Ramadaan; giving zakaah and supporting the needy; going for pilgrimage to Makkah and the testimony of faith.

There were a few aspects that truly inspired and drew me to Islam. Firstly, that all our bad and evil deeds are forgiven upon embracing Islam and becoming a Muslim; emigrating for the sake of ALLAH and doing the pilgrimage of Hajj. Secondly, was the belief in One God, Who has no partners as well as belief in all the Messengers including Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (Peace be upon them all). ALLAH says in the Holy Quraan, “Do not worship anyone but me.” And the final thing which truly inspired me was the fact that most Muslims come across as very devoted to their Lord, completely submitting themselves to their Creator by not only praying five times a day but also by utilising every second to please Almighty ALLAH.

Even the Prophet sallallahualaiwassallam said, “The least amount of faith is to remove an obstacle from the road.” So I became a Muslim at the age of seventeen and I have been inspired by the discovery that Islam is the straight path; a religion of truth, logic and reason. In Islam I could find answers to all my questions. I learnt that on the Day of Judgement we all have to answer to ALLAH concerning the record of our deeds. No matter what anybody does, we will not be able escape that day. Becoming a Muslim is thus a salvation for us and In Shaa ALLAH we will be rewarded for our good deeds.

When I found Islam, I acknowledged that this was the truth; the straight path and I shared this with my mum and uncle who too accepted Islam, Alhamdulillah. Now they also lead good Muslim lives.

I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some information about Islam. Islam means peace and the word Islam originates from the root word salaam, which means peace. Islam also means to peacefully submit to Almighty ALLAH’s Will. Throughout the history of man, prophets have come to each nation to encourage people to worship ALLAH alone and not to associate partners with Him.

To become a Muslim, all you have to utter with your tongue and believe in your heart is the shahadah. That is, to bear witness that there is no God but ALLAH and that Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam is His final servant and Messenger.

Islam is not a new religion. Every messenger came with this very same message. If it was the time of Abraham, we would have obeyed him; if it was the time of Moses, we would have obeyed him; if it was the time of Jesus, we would have obeyed him. The only way for salvation is to obey the Prophet of our time, Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam, who was the final Messenger as there is no Prophet to come after him. This too has been mentioned in the Holy Quraan, which firmly remains a guidance for mankind till the Day of Judgement and will be preserved by ALLAH SWT without a single change.

I would like to conclude by sharing that it is three years since I have become a Muslim and embraced Islam. I absolutely love to wear the Islamic type of dressing and have become particular about halaal food. Alhamdulillah, I have recently married a Muslim brother and I fervently wish to dedicate my life for the sake of ALLAH by spreading the message of truth and justice; by spreading the religion of Islam.”

Like this young sister, many people, whether confronted by the searching period of their youth or the reflective moments of their latter years, have been deeply inspired by the world and way called Islam.

Extracted from the column in the series In The Embrace of Islam
With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, blogs at
And tweets as @muslimahatpeace