Accepting Islam, Bringing Imaan…At the Tender Age of Eight

Blessed are we to witness, interview and read about the reversion of a multitude of people from different and varied backgrounds, cultures, nationalities and ethnicities. The discovery of which only serves to strengthen our Imaan as we sit in awe of ALLAH’s wondrous ways of dispersing His Guidance. In this month’s edition of the series In The Embrace of Islam, we are privileged to encounter yet another beautiful story of reversion but from a rather unique angle. This is the story of the American Muslim child Mohammed Abdullah, who studied religions at the mere age of six, accepted Islam and brought Imaan at the tender age of eight…

“Alexander Fretz was born to Christian parents in 1990 and his mother ensured from the very beginning that she would allow him to choose whatever religion he wished to pursue for himself. She bought him various religious books and after a close look, at the tender age of eight he announced that he was now a Muslim. Moreover, he learnt everything about Islam such as prayer, the importance and benefit of Qurâan memorization, calling the adhaan, and many of the Shariah laws before even meeting one Muslim, SubhanALLAH!

He chose to be named Mohammed Abdullah, following the example of the Prophet whom, through learning about, he confessed he loved.

He was invited by one of the Islamic channels accompanied by his mother and while the host was preparing to ask the young child questions, he was surprised to find that the child would be doing the questioning. Mohammed Abdullah, brimming with the innate curiosity and enthusiasm of a child asked, “How can I perform Hajj and Umrah? Is the travel expensive? Where do you buy the clothes of Ihraam from?”

The young child, while popular in his school, yet shared that when the time of prayer comes, he stands alone calling the adhaan and prays. The host asked him, “Do you face problems or disturbances with that?” He innocently replied with the tone of a broken heart, “Some prayers pass me sometimes because I do not know the exact time for prayer!”

He was asked, “What attracted you to Islam?” He replied, “The more I read about it, the more I loved it.”

He was asked, “What are your dreams and aspirations?” He replied with longing, “First that I become a photographer so that I can show the world the real and true way of Muslims because it hurts me much to see the filthy American films which tries to destroy the image of my beloved Mohammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. The second is to go to Makkah and kiss the black stone.”

He was asked, “What are some of your other dreams?” He replied, “I hope that Palestine will return to the Muslims one day as this is their land.”

He was asked, “Do you eat pork with your parents?” He replied, “Pigs are very filthy animals, I do not eat it and I don’t know how other people can eat it.” He was asked, “Do you pray in school?” He smiled and replied, “Yes, and I have found a secret place in the library where I can pray everyday.”

Then the time for the Maghrib prayer entered, while the interview was still in progress. Young Mohammed Abdullah looked at the host and said, “Would you allow me to call the adhaan on television?”
Then he got up and called the Adhaan which could not but cause the host to tear up and cry.”

SubhanALLAH! How heart-warming and imaan boosting are such tales of reversion. Intriguing indeed are ALLAH’s Magnificent ways in leading young and old to the sanctified shores of Islam. Our Beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, “There is none born but is created to his true nature, that is, Islam. It is his parents who make him a Jew or a Christian.” Sahih Muslim.

The rather unusual aforementioned story of reversion has been detailed from the book: Well of Wisdom ”Food for the Muslim Soul”, a book designed to boost your iman daily through inspirational reminders as well extracted from the dawah website

With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​Love and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, blogs here and tweets as @muslimahatpeace

Let His Love lead the way, in the blessings & obedience of ALLAH endeavour to live you day…RSB

“Choosing Islam For My Unborn Child”

From the moment her child is conceived and her body begins to transform itself to meet this new physical adjustment, a woman, a mother also finds herself metamorphasising emotionally and mentally. Her ideas, values and aspirations alter to accomodate and anticipate the new life growing within her. Such is the power of motherhood, SubhanALLAH! Every mother will attest to the numerous choices and changes that only motherhood had the ability of introducing her to.

In this month’s series In The Embrace of Islam we encounter Sister Mae, a South African revert who researched and chose Islam for the sake of the future of her unborn child. With aspirations for the best upbringing for her unborn baby, her heart found itself drawn to Islam. We traverse her rousing tale of reversion…

“Like most Europeans in South Africa, I grew up as a Christian. However my family was a bit more religious than the average “Christian” family. We attended church every Sunday morning and evening as well as on Wednesdays and Fridays. My family did not consume pork nor alcohol. They also did not smoke. Foul language was not allowed in our home. My mum always used to cover her head with a hat or scarf when she went to church and she always dressed modestly.

As teenagers we were not allowed to go to parties or dances. So as you can imagine I had a fairly strict upbringing. After school I went on to study Theology. After completing my degree, I furthered my studies by studying fashion design and that was where the external influences began. I was suddenly exposed to gay and bisexual people as well as other religions and races. I entered the working world and also had various relationships with men.”

Sharing with us her initial introduction so Islam, Sister Mae continued, “I ended an almost five year abusive relationship with my then boyfriend due to his ongoing drug addiction. I was almost thiry at the time. I made the decision to concentrate on my work and focus on rebuilding my life. During this stage of my life most of my clients were Muslim.

After a two year break, I felt ready for another relationship and I decided to pray to God to guide me to it. Two weeks later I met a Muslim man. He showed a keen interest in me. After a couple of weeks, I asked him not to make contact with me as my biggest concern was our religious differences. However, he continued to pursue me and during a ten month period I requested three times that he not have any contact with me. He would respect my wishes for a couple of days but then would once again contact me or come to my home declaring his undying love. Sixteen months into our relationship I fell pregnant. Due to our religious differences as well his confusion as to how to deal with his sin and family, he ended the relationship with me. I was six months pregnant at the time.”

Enlightening us as to how, when and why she decided to take the shahaadah and enter Islam, Mae shared, “My company closed during the December holidays and that was the time that I really did some soul-searching. I realised I was going to be a single mother and that I needed to be able to give this unborn child of mine the best possible upbringing I could as a parent. I looked at my own life and weighed up Christianity, as well as the Catholic and the Islamic religion. Christianity got a mental no from me, as I felt that it had never taught me any discipline. Sending my child to a Catholic school was also a no-go for me, as my mind kept recalling the many articles circulating about Priests molesting children. And so I found myself choosing Islam. I visited the library every day reading up on Islam. I found that Islam answered many questions that I had about Christianity, which Christianity could not. It was on the 12 February 2010 that I took my Shahadah. My son was born a couple of weeks later. Despite having hatred towards the father for leaving me during my pregnancy, it did not deter me from accepting Islam. I could not blame Islam for his choices.

It was a difficult time for me as I was alone during the delivery. My family and I were not on the best of terms. The father of my child also only came to see the baby later on after the delivery. Yet to me gratitude, I knew this Muslim family that had sort of ‘adopted’ me, as I had no family in the province I stayed in. The mother and her daughter in-law visited me at my home regularly and kindly showed me how to do many things the Islamic way.

My son was four months old when the father finally approached me to make Nikah.
Allah (SWT) has blessed us with another boy during the course of our marriage and we are still happily married, Alhamdulillah. Having worked through our differences and some marriage counseling.”

In the journey of life, we are all faced with challenges, perhaps moreso those who revert to Islam. Yet Sister Mae strongly shares her fortune in not experiencing many, “I have not really experienced too many challenges since reverting. I never really had much contact with extended family as they reside in other provinces in South Africa. However, my mum and I have our differences as she is very set in her ways and is not prepared to read or learn about Islam. Yet, my closest friend has accepted my decision.”

Concerning her favourite aspects of Islam, she said, “My favorite aspect of Islam is the protection I find in that I can now cover my beauty and body. I can safely and comfortably walk anywhere without getting those lust-full stares from men. No wolf-whistles nor pet names like “baby” or “sexy” being directed at me anymore.”

With regards to her goals and objectives as a Muslimah, she shared, “I am currently busy writing a book about women in marriage and In Sha Allah I will find a publisher when its complete.”

In her concluding sentiments and thoughts, Sister Mae effectively conveyed, “The message I would like to share with other Muslims, me being a revert, is to never stop learning about Islam. Read ahaadith and you will beautify yours and your families’ lives.

My message to Non-Muslims would be to read and learn about Islam. It is the opposite of what the media portrays it as. It is beautiful and simple. Read, for truly knowledge is power.
A cousin of mine once said that Allah is not a real “God”. How wrong a statement that was! If you find Him and come to know who ALLAH really is to us His creation and read Al Quran there would never be a doubt in your mind about the existence of our Merciful Creator.
As a Non-Muslim do not condemn Islam and Muslims if you yourself have never attempted to learn anything about Islam.
May Allah continue to guide us. In Sha Allah.”

Indeed through witnessing Sister Mae’s reversion to Islam, we reflect on the safety and sanctuary that Islam affords us as Muslims and of course, our precious children too, ‎​Alhamdulillah.

Extracted from the SA print mag- The Muslim Woman Magazine 2013, Edition 4

With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, blogs here
And tweets as @muslimahatpeace

“Miracles of ALLAH…Al Qaweeyu: The Giver of Strength “

Like a vehicle traversing a road to a determined destination, so too are our bodies a conveyance for our souls in this journey called life. Whilst the vehicle may sometimes face a fate of challenge, test and accident, the soul continues to be most essential to us…it is our essence, our core. Encounter in this article a beautiful sister who has faced a mammoth challenge in her life-journey; a challenge that altered the vehicle of her being, yet her soul and spirit continues to soar as she endeavours and perseveres with tremendous courage and strength; proving without a doubt, through the viewing of her life, that ALLAH is Al Qaweeyu- The Giver of Strength and Courage and ‘if He brings you to it, He can bring you through it,’ SubhanALLAH!

On that evening when I was first introduced to Sister Ameena Mehtar, I found myself engulfed in a myriad of emotions: Sympathy, for this beautiful young woman whose life had turned a full three hundred and sixty degrees; Awe and wonder, for her levels of acceptance, smiling disposition and visible support system beginning with her devoted husband Rashid Akhalwaya; and intrigue, regarding her very moving and heart-wrenching story. May ALLAH reward her and her husband for their courage throughout and for their eagerness in sharing a part of their lives with us, ameen.

Rashid, begins this life-altering chapter of their lives for us, “It was the third of October 2006, when Ameena kisses me and our son goodbye, and leaves for work in the morning. At about 7:20am, she is involved in a car accident. It takes the paramedics about an hour and a half to get her from the scene of the accident to the Lenmed Clinic only two kilometres away. She is pronounced dead on arrival and the doctor even says that there is nothing they can do. I guess he underestimated the power of Allah. She is then rushed to ICU, whilst being in a coma and is placed on a ventilator. Subsequent x-rays and tests reveal that she has suffered a traumatic brain injury, which included swelling and hemorrhaging, a fractured hip as well as internal bleeding to her stomach. Her head injury was termed as a diffused axonal injury, which means that it was not specific to one area of the brain, but in-fact a few areas. She was given the lowest possible rating for any patient on the Glasgow Coma Scale which is used in head trauma / coma patients. After two weeks, she is taken off the ventilators and one eye finally opens.

During her time in ICU, she has two operations. The first is a tracheotomy, which is a hole in the wind pipe to assist with breathing and the second is a percutaneous gastroscopy, which is a hole directly into her stomach for feeding. She starts showing good signs of recovery but then on the 25th of December 2006, she develops severe aplastic anaemia as a result of an allergic reaction to the drugs Epanutin and Epillum. These are used to control the epileptic fits which is common after a head injury. She also develops a chest infection that turns into pneumonia. She is put back on a ventilator. At this stage all her bodily organs go into shock and the nurses in ICU call the family in the early morning to tell us to come immediately as they do not think that she will survive the day. I guess they too underestimated the power of Allah.

After four months at Lenmed (her bill at Lenmed was one of the highest single accounts ever at the hospital, a total of R604 000), she was transferred to Netcare Rehabilitation Hospital where she spent a further two months before coming home. She was still in a coma when she was discharged from Netcare. When she came home, she spent a further five months in a comatose state before she finally awoke. In total, my wife was in a coma for eleven months. At the end of March 2007, she was discharged and finally came home. The reality was that she now required the assistance of two full-time, live-in nurses for a further six months. On her 27th birthday, we decorate her room with flowers and balloons and even bring in a cake for her. She attempts to blow out the candles but is too weak to do that. She has to learn to do so many things that we all take for granted. In July 2007, she has another operation to close the trachy and remove a fistula that has formed on her windpipe.

It is the fourth of August 2007 and I walk into our room and I say to her, “I Love You”. She responds by saying, “I Love You Too”. I can’t believe she has responded, so I say again, “Ameena, I Love You”. She responds by saying, “I Love You More”. This was something that she used to say before her accident. However, there is no sound when she speaks. Two weeks go by before she tells us that she cannot hear anything. She has been lip-reading during this time.

Subsequent hearing tests at Lenmed Clinic and an Auditory Brainstem Response test at the Donald Gordon Medical Centre reveal that she has suffered a profound loss of hearing in both her ears. The tests reveal that she hears nothing at any decibel level. Nothing wrong with her ears, or her cochlear or the main auditory nerve. This is much deeper, at the brain stem itself. On the 22nd of November 2007, we hear some sounds when she speaks. In January 2008, she has Botox injected into her left forearm and right calf muscle to reduce the spasticity in these muscles. After the treatment, she is fitted for a hand splint from the Rose-Acres Clinic in Germiston which she wears daily and at night, and also has a special leg-brace made for her to help with standing and with eventually walking, Insha ALLAH.

For those who have read about or studied brain injury, her recovery has been nothing short of a remarkable miracle. Her injury was so severe that doctors thought that she would be confined to a wheelchair all her life. She has a point to prove and is slowly proving all the doubters wrong. Ameena has a steely determination and a will to get better. Her memory is very much intact. She exercises daily on a gym-trim or exercise bike. If she is not doing this, then it is standing or sitting with assistance to get her muscles strong again.”

As Rashid concludes in sharing the facts of Ameena’s story, Ameena commences with conveying the reality and emotions she has had to deal with, “I could not possibly tell you everything that could go wrong after a brain injury, but what I can tell you are the problems I have and face on a daily basis. For starters, I am unable to walk and spend my day in a wheelchair, but I believe I will walk again someday. I have lost my hearing and rely totally on lip-reading. For two months after my accident I used a communication board that my husband made for me. I would point out letters of the alphabet and key words so that I could communicate with everyone. Now I speak but people still don’t understand me. Not all the words come out right and I have had to learn to speak slower. That is difficult for me as all my life I used to speak fast.

I never knew what headaches were and now I get them on a daily basis. Severe headaches that feel as if my head will explode. I had to re-learn to chew my food, to swallow, sip from a straw, hold a cup, brush my teeth and to write my name. Everything I do is in slow motion. I can’t bath myself since my accident or go to the toilet on my own. My husband helps me with those things and all other aspects of my personal grooming. I am unable to pass stools on my own, and I suffer from sever constipation. Once a day, my husband has to don a latex glove and do a manual evacuation of my stool.

I am thirty-two years old and I wear napkins and my physiotherapist is teaching me how to crawl, and believe it or not, I even have difficulty doing that. I cannot do the things that I was so passionate about like cooking and baking as our kitchen is not wheelchair accessible. So now I watch while everyone has to prepare meals and see to my needs. I wish I could walk so that I can pour myself a glass of water, make myself a cup of tea and see to my son’s school lunches. Sometimes I can’t pick up the food in my plate as the pieces are too small, so my husband and son will feed me. I can’t do so many things for myself so how do I do it for my beloved son Mohammed. This is what kills me inside. The pain of not being able to do for your child is indescribable. I still try to do the best that I can do for him. Sometimes I think to myself that it is better that I have all the pain and suffering and inability and my child is healthy. I have spasticity in my left hand and right foot. My muscles are pulling constantly. I can stand holding onto something or someone, but I cannot let go or I will fall due to my balance being affected.

Sometimes, the thought of having to get up and face a new day is so daunting but I have come a long way and can’t give up now. I have eye problems too. My right eye does not close completely when I sleep, resulting in infections, red eye or dry eye conditions. I have to use eye drops during the day and anti-bacterial ointment at night. My left eye has become a lazy eye and is out of focus so I occasionally wear a patch over the right eye to give the left eye work to do. This puts a strain on the good eye and results in headaches. Since my accident, the damage to the brain has also meant that I am unable to tear naturally. I have not cried in six and a half years. Not even one single tear. Only ALLAH knows how I miss being able to do even that. Women especially feel much better after a good crying session but I don’t even have that ability.

I sometimes wonder during the day how different my life would have been. I have so much time to think as my husband goes to work, my son is at school, and parents-in-law have their own work/chores to do. I feel so alone but I know I am not alone. My Creator is with me always. People lost all hope. Some thought I would not make it but here I am telling you my story. I studied at RAU and have a BA Law degree. I had a few more subjects to complete my LLB when I had my accident and my life took a different path. My dream was to go on and become a judge. How I wish I could help my husband with all the bills. I know he has spent every cent he had on me. I see the strain on his body and the worry in his eyes.
I read a lot and try to immerse myself in books. Anything and everything. Mainly motivational books, self-help books, true stories. I have to stay positive. Thank heavens for Blackberry. This is my only means of communication during the day and I have learnt to keep in touch with family and friends via sms and bbm. I watch how others communicate and sometimes it is frustrating to see how easy it is for them and so, so difficult for me.”

Ameena so beautifully and courageously shares her concluding sentiments, “When I meet people, I put my hand out to shake theirs and they always see a big, bright smile. I have become an expert at hiding the unbearable pain I feel, physically and emotionally. Fortunately, I still have my faith in the Almighty. Insha ALLAH I will not give up or give in as I still have so much to accomplish; so many dreams to fulfill and I know and realise that so many people are counting on me to see this through. Alhamdulillah, ALLAH has given me the strength and determination to persevere and I pray that always continues to do so. He has also blessed me with a wonderful support structure. My beloved and wonderful husband Rashid, who has been with me throughout! He motivates me on a daily basis; he is absolutely amazing in every sense! May ALLAH reward him always. My dear son Mohammed, who is only nine now, yet he has been through soo much. As young as he is, he has such amazing willpower. He understands all my can’s and can’ts. My husband’s family (his parents and siblings), if it were not for their continued support and motivation,I don’t know if I would have been be able to carry on! Also my friends are a great source of inspiration to me! I may not see them often, but I keep in contact with them with via sms and bbm.”

Ameena’s story possesses such emotion that it tightly grips the heart and moves one to those silent tears that can’t help but fall as one reads on. And as the reality of Ameena’s life filters our minds and understanding, and as we observe hers and her husband’s level of strength and determination we are left in awe…of ALLAH’s Decree, Assistance and in Him being Al Qaweeyu- The Giver of Strength. May our Kind ALLAH continue ‘to bring her through it’; may the light of complete shifa continue to beckon her, providing her with a beacon of hope until she one day reaches it, soon…Insha ALLAH, ameen!

Extracted from my series “Miracles of ALLAH” in the monthly edition of The Muslim Woman

“Miracles of ALLAH…Al Muqeetu: The Controller of All Things “


We imagine and sometimes believe, that we are the navigators of our lives sailing across the ocean of our destiny. Yet we are many a time corrected by ALLAH, that our lives are navigated as according to His Will, His Decree and that He is indeed Al Muqeetu: The Controller of All Things. And when we finally place our complete trust, reliance and hope in His Capable Hands, we find that our sojourn is not as difficult as we imagined and as long as we allow ourselves to be swept with the current of His navigation, good sailors we will beimage

Returning to our series, Miracles of ALLAH, in which we share the miracles of ALLAH’s various qualities in real life circumstance, we recommence this month with an inspirational interview with young and vibrant Sister Sumaya Kola. A dynamic muslimah who currently awaits a heart and lung transplant. She shares her life experiences as a pulmonary hypertension patient and the realisation and acknowledgement that ALLAH is undoubtedly the Controller of All Things. We believe that her story will leave us inspired, educated and enlightened regarding the chronic illness PH as well as in awe of ALLAH’s complete control over all our affairs. Walking us through the journey and challenges that has come to be her daily life, Sister Sumaya began…

“Bismillahirahmaniraheem. Being diagnosed with Pulmonary Hypertension just over ten years ago at the age of fourteen was life changing and slightly overwhelming but with time and faith in ALLAH SWT I have managed to somehow pull through. Simple things that were previously easy for me to do and that most would refer to as normal-everyday tasks, has become somewhat difficult. There are times when I can’t walk from one room to another in our home without getting severely out of breath. Even brushing my teeth, going for a shower and getting dressed in the morning has become a challenge. Sometimes just a mere long conversation with someone over the phone can be most tiring. The feeling of being fatigued all the time and having no energy can become depressing. And there are days where you feel helpless and wish you could do more for yourself but it’s on those days you have to gather extra strength, pull yourself together and place your trust in ALLAH, that with His Help everything is somehow going to be ok.

Emotionally, when I was first diagnosed I was terrified and overwhelmed because at that time, being fourteen years old, I didn’t really know what PH entailed or what was going to happen and to make matters worse,  I was given the notion that I probably wouldn’t live to see my twentieth birthday. But Alhumdulillah by the grace and mercy of ALLAH I overcame my fears and developed the courage, hope and strength to carry on and also surpassed the life expectancy set by the doctors.
I have found that through my link with ALLAH SWT, learning more about PH and the support of my family, friends and doctors, accepting this illness as part of my life has become easier. I have lived the past few years of life as normal as possible. I completed school, began working at a corporate IT company and made the most of life by spending each day to the fullest. Two years ago, however, the inevitable had happened. My PH had begun to progress, it was something I dreaded but knew would happen at some point in my future; a reality that my doctors had warned me about. With the progression of the disease came the talk of a heart/lung transplant.

From thereon my condition became a little more complicated and I had to take extra precaution when doing things out of the ordinary. I started having severe dizzy spells or fainting when walking up hills or stairs; I would become fatigued doing little or no activity and would develope severe chest infections every few months. Eventually after being hospitalised twice in early 2012 I was told that I needed to make a decision about going onto the list for the heart/lung transplant. Making the decision was the most difficult step and one of the biggest tests I have ever faced. At first I experienced anxiety to the extent of losing hope. Needless to say this feeling of anxiety was the scariest feeling in the world. Alhamdulillah through the help of ALLAH and the people He put in my path, I made the decision to proceed with the transplant. It was through this period of my life that I found my true strength and had begun my journey of self-discovery.

I have learnt through all my experiences that our emotions are mostly mind over matter. I have also learnt to fully and truly put my faith in ALLAH SWT and hand my life over to Him completely. I have learnt that I am far stronger than I think I am and most of all I have learnt to never give up hope no matter how bad a situation may seem. I have come a long way since being diagnosed and being told that I needed to be listed for a transplant. I feel like all the confusion, the anger, the anxiety, the fear and the pain seems worth it because through all of this I am closer to my ALLAH SWT than I could have ever been. My life has changed in so many ways; ways I can only be grateful for and although I‘m still a tiny bit afraid, I feel like hope has replaced most of the fear and I now look forward to the day that I will be able to breathe easy and live a normal life once again.
Explaining to us exactly what PH entails and the reality of living it, Sister Sumaya continued, “Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) is a rare lung disorder where the blood pressure in the arteries of the lungs elevates, thereby putting pressure on the heart and reducing the amount of oxygen that should reach the tissues of the body, causing shortness of breath and exhaustion. This can significantly impact the sufferer’s ability to lead a normal life. PH often leads to heart failure and death. Pulmonary Hypertension may be a standalone condition or it may develop during or after pregnancy, due to Congenital Heart Disease/Defects, Hypothyroidism, Pulmonary Embolisms, Deep Vein Thrombosis, autoimmune disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, or an HIV infection. It can also be a result from the use of drugs such as appetite suppressants, oral contraceptives, and other illegal drugs such as Cocaine. It is frequently misdiagnosed due to its similarities to Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Congestive Heart Failure. Living with the condition can be extremely difficult, what would seem simple for other people is far harder for patients suffering from PH, for example walking in a mall, going for grocery shopping, having a shower, getting dressed, bending down and sometimes even eating can be exhausting.

Most patients look almost absolutely normal but are suffering invisible pain on the inside, we feel like someone who has run a mile even on a good day. People who don’t understand put us down a lot of the time telling us things like we should exercise more or we should stop stressing so much in order to feel better, not realising that exercise makes us worse and even if we didn’t stress we would still have PH. Most patients are on oxygen at least some part  of the day, depends on the severity of their PH. I am currently on oxygen 16 – 20 hours a day and there are others who use it 24/7. Young women with PH are told from the onset that pregnancy is a huge risk and should be avoided and so finding a companion who is willing to accept you, considering all this, can be difficult.
There are currently 9 FDA treatments available in the USA, UK, Canada and even places like China, Saudi Arabia and India but we in South Africa have only one of those treatments available here which many patients cannot afford..

In her concluding sentiments Sister Sumaya shared with us, wherefrom she draws her strength, “From my deen, from talking to and making du’aa to my ALLAH SWT, durood recitation and remembering the difficulties that each and every Ambiyyah went through, the greatest of which were faced by our beloved Nabi Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. He was Allah’s most beloved yet Allah tested him greatly. I believe that Allah SWT chose me to go through this trial for a reason, and that He is in Control of my life. The reasons I might not understand right now but one day In sha ALLAH I will look back and everything will make perfect sense. A Qur’aanic ayah which has helped through many of the decisions I have made in life including the decision to be listed for the transplant is, “Then when you have taken a decision, put your trust in Allah, certainly, Allah loves those who put their trust (in Him) (42:43). I find that reading Salaah, Qur’aan and Islamic literature has played a huge part in helping me deal with my struggles. It gives me a joy, peace and contentment deep within my heart knowing that ALLAH is there, watching, guiding and helping me through each day.

One other thing I draw strength from is observing those who are going through far more than I ever will: the orphans, those who suffer poverty, those in war torn countries and the oppressed Muslims in Palestine, Syria, Burma, Afghatistan, Kashmir, Mali. I observe their steadfastness despite their adversities and my problems don’t seem that big anymore.”

We fervently hope and pray that Sumaya continues to draw strength from her greatest passion- her deen, as she awaits a heart and lung donor and that ALLAH grant her and all those who are faced with illness, a complete and perfect shifa, ameen. And May our Kind ALLAH also fulfill her wishes and aspirations for the future : in creating awareness about PH; in being a patient advocate; in inspiring and motivating others as well as assisting and striving for the cause of Palestine and Syria, ameen Ya Rabb.

As we reflect on Sister Sumaya’s challenges and life’s journey, we comprehend the importance and value of placing our trust completely in ALLAH Subhanawata’ala and in consciously recognising and acknowledging that no matter what, ultimately He is Al Muqeetu- The One Who Controls all things.

Extracted from my series “Miracles of ALLAH” in the monthly edition of The Muslim Woman …In memory of the late sumaya kola…

“ALLAH The Best of Planners, The Architect of Our Lives”

We begin our every new day, new month and new year with a myriad of goals and plans. Goals and plans regarding every sphere of our lives: personal and professional. Many times though, things don’t happen according to our plans. But everytime, all the time, they transpire according to the Greatest Architect’s Plans, ALLAH Subhanawata’ala.

In this month’s series In The Embrace of Islam, we find ourselves inspired by Sister Sharrifa Carlo’s intriguing tale of reversion. Currently residing and working in the city of Kuwait, she shares her journey through and to Islam and how, while she planned, ALLAH had better plans. For even though she was recruited to ‘free’ Muslim women from oppression, she ended up accepting Islam, SubhanALLAH!

Enlightening us as to how she came to actually accepting Islam, proved compelling. She shared her riveting tale, “Prior to Islam and during my childhood, I was your typical American girl. I was what you would call, ‘an Army brat’, travelling around the world with my family, from military base to military base.

The story of how I reverted to al Islam is a story of plans. I made plans; the group I was with made plans, and ALLAH made plans. And ALLAH is the Best of Planners. When I was a teenager, I came to the attention of a group of people with a very sinister agenda. They were, and probably still are, a loose association of individuals who work in government positions but have a special agenda to destroy Islam. It is not a governmental group that I am aware of, they simply use their positions in the US government to advance their cause. One member of this group approached me because he saw that I was articulate, motivated and very much the women’s rights advocate. He told me that if I studied International Relations with an emphasis in the Middle East, he would guarantee me a job at the American Embassy in Egypt. He wanted me to eventually go there to use my position in the country to talk to Muslim women and encourage the fledgling women’s rights movement. I thought this was a great idea. I had seen the Muslim women on TV; I knew they were a poor oppressed group, and I wanted to lead them to the light of 20th century freedom.

With this intention, I went to college and began my education. I studied Quran, Hadith and Islamic history. I also studied the ways I could use this information. I learned how to twist the words to say what I wanted them to say. It was a valuable tool. Once I started learning, however, I began to be intrigued by this message. It made sense. That, for me, was very scary. Therefore, in order to counteract this effect, I began to take classes in Christianity. I chose to take classes with a certain professor on campus because he had a good reputation and as well as a Ph.D. in Theology from Harvard University. I felt I was in good hands.
In reality I was in good hands, but not for the reasons I thought. It turned out that this professor was a Unitarian Christian. He did not believe in the trinity or the divinity of Jesus. In actuality, he believed that Jesus was just a prophet.

He proceeded to prove this by taking the Bible from its sources in Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic, conveying where they had been changed. In doing this, he showed the historical events which shaped and followed these changes. By the time I finished this class, my deen [religion of Christianity] had been destroyed, but I was still not ready to accept Islam. As time went on, I continued to study, for myself and for my future career. This took about three years. In this time, I would question Muslims about their beliefs. One of the individuals I questioned was a Muslim brother with the MSA [Muslim Students’ Association]. Alhamdulllah, he saw my interest in the deen, and made it a personal effort to educate me about Islam. May Allah increase his reward. He would give me dawaa [i.e. tell me about Islam] at every opportunity which presented itself.

One day, he contacted and informed me about a group of Muslims who were visiting in town. He wanted me to meet with them and I agreed. It was after the Ishaa [night] prayer that I made my way to where they were residing. I was led to a room with about twenty men in it. They all made space for me to sit, and I was placed face to face with an elderly Pakistani gentleman. Mashallah, this brother was a very knowledgeable man in matters of Christianity. He and I discussed and argued the varying parts of the Bible and the Quran until the fajr [dawn prayer].

At this point, after having listened to this wise man tell me what I already knew, based on the class I had taken in Christianity, he did what no other individual had ever done. He invited me to become a Muslim. In the three years that I had been searching and researching, no one had ever invited me to Islam. I had been taught, argued with and even insulted, but never invited. May Allah guide us all. So when he invited me, it clicked. I realized this was the time. I knew it was the truth, and I had to make a decision. Alhamdulillah [All praise be to Allah], Allah opened my heart, and I said, “Yes. I want to be a Muslim.”

With that, the man led me in the shahadah [the testimony of faith] – in English and in Arabic. I swear by Allah that when I took the shahadah, I felt the strangest sensation. I felt as if a huge, physical weight had just been lifted off my chest; I gasped for breath as if I were breathing for the first time in my life. Alhamdulillah, Allah had given me a new life; a clean slate; a chance for Jannah [Paradise]; and I pray that I live the rest of my days as a Muslim and that I die as a Muslim, ameen.”

Highlighting us as to her current projects and endeavours, as a Muslimah, Sister Shariffa said, “I work in Kuwait and have travelled around the world teaching people about the beauty of Islam. I talk about the duties of Muslims; the beauty of this religion and also about Christianity versus Islam. I also manage two twitter accounts for the purpose of giving dawah to Islam, @SAndalusia and @MuslimTweeting

Regarding the pivotal moment and point that lead her to accepting Islam, she stated, “When I realized that I couldn’t run from the truth. I knew from all that I had read and learned that it was the truth but I kept denying it because my heart was still so attached to the dunya. But Allah opened my heart and I finally realized that I had to submit to Allah, ‎​Alhamdulillah.”
For many reverts to Islam, there exists many hurdles and challenges. Perhaps mostly with regards to their relationships with family and close friends. Concerning the reactions of her close family, relatives and friends, Sister Shariffa responded, “My father disowned me and I lost many friends. But in return I inherited millions of brothers and sisters feesabeelillAllah (in the path of ALLAH).
Mostly, it has been a wonderful experience. My life has changed for the better and undoubtedly my perspective on life has changed. I realized that how I look at the world now is better and more positive because I now have a better understanding that whatever comes along is good for me, for it is a part of my destiny, ALLAH’s decree.”

Simply and profounding put, she shared that her favourite aspects of Islam is,”Knowing Allah.”

Her message to Muslims and non Muslims was, “Read! Read! And then read more. Know your deen and put everything you know into practice regardless of what others around you say or do. Learn about Islam from the Quran and the authentic teachings of the Prophet SAW so you will discover ad know the truth. Also, ask God to open your heart to this truth.”

Conveying to us her final and concluding sentiments, Sister Sharrifa beautifully articulated, “Islam isn’t something from our fathers or forefathers. It is a religion sent by our Creator and its truth is easy and clear to find and follow. All we have to do is read and understand the Quran and the sunnah. If we take Islam from its sources we will never go wrong.”

“Why Islam? Because every soul craves contentment, peace, truth, guidance, love, enlightenment and home and all of these are only found with Allah.
Why pray? Because gratitude, humility and forgiveness are the keys to Paradise.
Why Quran? Because a Merciful Creator would never leave His slaves without Guidance.
Why hijab? Because that which is valuable must be shielded and protected and nothing is more valuable than an honorable woman.” @SAndalusia

Extracted from the column in the series In The Embrace of Islam
With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, blogs at
And tweets as @muslimahatpeace

“Touched by The Adhaan in the Land of Senegal”

A scent and a sound has the ability to evoke much…Sometimes all it takes to urge on a memory or promote a change is a subtle scent and a sweet sound. When the words of the adhaan “ALLAHu Akbar…ALLAH is the Greatest” coincides with the whispered yearnings of the heart, it lays the foundations for change. And so was the case of an American brother, whose life’s journey changed its course through the sweet melody of the adhaan…

“Bismillahi Walhamdulillah, Assalaamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatu. I begin in the Name of ALLAH. All Praise, bounteous Praise and never ending praise be for Him and may peace and blessings always be conveyed upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW. I would firstly like to begin by discussing the difference between being born a Muslim and reverting, that is, accepting Islam from your own free will. Reality is, we all are not born with personal values and morals. Our personal values and morals are developed by our guardians and parents. Taught to us by them and as such it becomes our foundation. In actuality, their values and morals become ours.

So if your parents raised you as a practicing Muslim, your morals and personal values are then beautifully structured by Islam. Islam becomes your foundation And in fact structures how you think, how you act, even your attitude and personality. For those non muslims like myself, who have investigated islam, we have found that Islam proves itself to be a light of guidance. I am also quite sure that you will all agree that Islam provides solutions to all of life’s questions, problems and differences. Now if you were born with this manual for your life and if you were raised as a practicing Muslim you probably wouldn’t know the issues or the doubts or the emptiness or hopelessness that those outside the fold of Islam deal with and we have always dealt with since we were born. We were not raised in a structured or proven lifestyle like Islam is. We were instead given the incorrect fundamentals by our parents, which we assumed were correct. And at the very least we thought that they were good enough to get by. So we were left with nothing more than what our parents taught us, to assist us in dealing with all that life threw at us. As for that emptiness and hopelessness, we learnt that it was a natural part of life and we learnt to suppress it and pretend it is not there.

Looking at children in today’s time, we observe that they they are so immersed in all the technological gadgets which western society provides like computers, electronic games, internet and cellphones that they don’t really have the inclination to look at the natural world that surrounds them and reflect on it. Similarly from the time we are young we fill our lives with all these activities, supressing those feelings of emptiness and those unanswered questions but as the years pass we realise that those feelings and that emptiness are still there. It is the memory of that life, a life of trial and error; a life of hopelessness and uncertainties; a life of confusion and doubt…that you leave behind when you grasp the strong handhold of Islam. No matter what age you embrace Islam, you finally find peace, purpose and meaning to your life. And it is never too late and you are never to old to investigate and discover Islam. Islam, which is indeed a detail map and manual for our lives and really how much easier is it to do things with a manual.

I, like so many others, was not born Muslim. In fact I was not born into any religion at all. I was born in a suburb of New Jersey and later we moved to a country or rural area just outside of the city of New York. In a place like this where we were raised without the television and computer games, we learnt to occupy ourselves as children. We would spend much time outdoors with nothing but nature to keep us busy and entertained. I believe that this had been the beginning of me contemplating my world and surroundings from a young age.

While I believe that these positive effects of my childhood weren’t completely lost, but the acts of youth, the teenage years and adolesence had covered up the light which ALLAH had put in my heart as a child. From the age of eighteen I pursued a number of varied lifestyles, I took up sky-diving, jumping out of a plane at high altitudes. I thought that the thrill of having near-death experiences might help me to ascertain my purpose in life. While trying to fit in with that crowd, I realised that this was not a lifestyle that had any truth to it and so I ventured through a few regular mundane jobs. Thereafter I joined the navy in the United States.

Still dissatisfied and searching, I moved back to New York and became involved with a small group of African musicians from Senegal. At the core of the lifestyle of these musicians was the drug marijuana. As weeks and months became years I became very addicted to this drug. Amidst this mental confusion and fog I had the opportunity to travel to the land of Senegal. And one of the first mornings that I was there, about five in the morning, I heard, “ALLAHU Akbar, ALLAHuakbar!”, which of course is the adhaan and that moment was a life-changing one. For as you can imagine, my searching heart was greatly touched by it.

So when I returned to America, I was intrigued by what I ignorantly perceived to be Senegalese customs but were in fact a part of Islam. I started researching and investigating and discovered that I was in fact becoming magnetically drawn to Islam. Coming across a book of Islamic invocations, I memorised it. And as time passed, even though I wasn’t yet a Muslim, I would read the English translation of the Quraan and pray what I had memorised. Then I decided to embark on a spiritual and physical cleansing for ten days. So I stopped eating pork; I stopped drinking, smoking and taking drugs, Alhamdulillah. After the fourth day of changing my lifestyle completely, again even though I was not yet a Muslim, I now found myself saying the shahadah.

However, because I had no contact with any Muslims and knew of no masjids, I took the shahadah with just ALLAH as my witness and just endeavoured to live the best Islamic lifestyle that I could live for the next couple of months. I then had the opportunity to fly to the capital of the island of Bahamas which had one Mosque and about twenty Muslims. I took the shahadah again at this Mosque and actually took shahadah and made nikah on the same day. I married another revert who had also taken the shahadah at this very same Mosque in the Bahamas. ‎​Alhamdulillah, we have lived as practising Muslims and have been blessed with a child.

I believe that when you can revert to Islam in the middle of nowhere, on an island and without being in contact with other Muslims, it is only by the Will of ALLAH. It proves that ALLAH chooses you for Islam. I strongly assert that Islam has all the solutions from personal hygiene to how you treat your parents. Personally my parents have no problem with me being a Muslim. They have witnessed first hand what it means to be a Muslim child…to treat your parents correctly, with the dignity and respect they deserve; it means you love them more because you have motivation to and you maintain family ties because Alhamdulillah, it is an opportunity to give them dawah too.

Islam is a light that diffuses all darkness and depression, bringing with it tangible peace…it is as simple as that, SubhanALLAH!” ‎​

Extracted from the column in the series In The Embrace of Islam
With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala, this is the blog of
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, who tweets as @muslimahatpeace.

In the Embrace of Islam “From Monk to Muslim”

In the voyage across the ocean of life, everything may be perceived as relative. Like the morning ocean breeze, carries and dissipates droplets of salt water to those in its vicinity, so too do the winds of guidance dissipate truth and faith to those who are in search of it.

Encounter a man who studied and searched for the Almighty to such a degree that his entire life centred around serving Him and His creation. So while, even though his course was not the right and required route, his intent of purpose was so sincere, that eventually he was guided to the reality of his true goal and objective. This is his story of reversion; from Monk to Muslim…

“Assalaamualaikum and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my story. I was born and brought up in Malaysia. I accepted Islam in 1978. But before that I was a monk for twelve years. From an early age I would attend Church quite regularly with my parents, every Sunday, as the religious and practicing Christians would. As I grew up, I realised that I wanted to become a priest, so that I could help many people, those who were poor and those who were suffering. So when I completed school in 1954, I began my studies and work as a Roman Catholic Monk.

Throughout the course of it, I travelled to many countries and my parents were very proud of me. I received a scholarship from the German government, in West Germany for theological studies. After completion of training in 1971, I became a chaplain for the hospital that I was attached to. I was also given the power to forgive sins. In fact I was given the title and vocation of being an international forgiver of sins. This work of mines took me throughout the world, from South America, to Asia and Africa.

During this period I met many Muslim people. Wonderful and practicing Muslims, who would pray five times a day, not drink alcohol and even fast the way the Holy Bible described all the Prophets’ manner of fasting. I would often wonder and find myself plagued by the thought, “How come they are not going to Heaven just because they have not been baptised? But we Christians would be entitled to Heaven simply because we had been baptised.”

I would always have in my possession the Holy Water to baptise and absolve the repentant Christians. So while I worked in the hospitals, I would request the nurses that they inform and call for me whenever any of the patients were nearing death, be they Christian or not and no matter what their religion, so that I may baptise them before their death so that they would now have a hope of entering Heaven. And of course, for the Christians I was their international forgiver of sins and would assist them by forgiving them at this vital moment. This was important for me because I was trying to find a way to help these Muslims get to Heaven.

Also because my homeland was Malaysia, filled with many Muslims, I wanted and needed to know more about Islam so that I could revert them as this was my desire. Contacting my superiors, I informed them of my eagerness to study comparative religion between Islam and Christianity and also shared my purpose for wanting to do this. They agreed and sent me to London to acquire this degree. In London I met many Muslims and had been given much Islamic literature. One of these works was the translation of the Quran by Mohammed Marmeduke Pickthall. I read it froms start to finish, searching for errors and faults, but I could find none. The more I read, the more I realised what a good book it was and that even the Bible was not as good.

That’s when I started praying to God for guidance, to enlighten my heart and convey to me the Truth. Thereafter I wrote to my superiors sharing with them my deep desire to now become a Muslim. They immediately recalled me to Germany and were in fact quite angry and disappointed, especially after all they had invested in educating me for the efforts of the Christian missionary work. They angrily stated that they would take a picture of a mock grave with my name on it and send it to my family and people in Malaysia informing them that I had met with a terrible accident and had passed away.
Of course, I became terribly afraid and decided that perhaps I had studied too much and was now confused. I shared this with them and worriedly enquired if there were any other options left for me. They suggested that I repent and that perhaps I did need help of some sort and sent me to a mental institute for three months.

At this institute I met a famous writer and theologian, who had many works on the divinity of Christ. Hoping to make sense of it all, while my heart still found itself attached to Islam, I asked him , “Do you really think Jesus Christ is God?” His reply left me without any further doubts, “No, I just use the concept to write my books and make money.” Now I was in a hurry to become a Muslim. However, I knew that I had no proper vocation to return to other than being a monk and a forgiver of sins, so I approached my superiors and explained to them that I had been confused about wanting to be a Muslim and that I wanted to continue my missionary efforts at the hospitals and thought that I also needed to do a three medical lab training course for this. My hope was to be sent back to Malaysia.

However, my superiors decided on sending me to South America, a continent filled with mainly Christians. I then started praying fervently to God, even though I didn’t even know the Fatiha-Opening chapter. It just happened, by the great Will of God, that the monk at the lab in Malaysia fell and broke his arm and they needed to replace him within forty-eight hours. My prayers had been answered, I was to return to Malaysia, a land filled with mostly Muslims. In Malaysia, I met the German Writer Johannes Snyman, who too had accepted Islam and changed his name to Yahya Snyman. Whilst in Malaysia I wrote to my superiors and asked for them to release me from all the vows that I had taken as a monk and from the monastry as well. Reiterating that I wanted to become a Muslim. Again they reacted as before, threatening me now with no compensation.

Without money this time and no airfare and plane as the manner I was usually accustomed to when visiting my parents, I had to take a train. When I reached my home and met my mother, I immediately told her of my reversion to Islam. Normally a loving mother to me, she became very angry and accused me of wanting to be like the Malays. The Muslims of Malaysia were known as Malays and most of those whom my parents knew were not good examples of Muslims and Islam. Sadly, my mother kicked me out and told me that she used to be so proud of me and my international missionary efforts but now I was no longer her son.

I then went to Kuala Lampur to stay with my elder brother. He kept me for two weeks with him, but stated quite emphatically that I was not to share or display my Islam, as his in laws were strict Catholics and he didn’t want to encounter any unneccessary problems. It was at this point that I was notified of a world health six month counseling course on family planning in Australia. I decided that this would be my best bet considering the current circumstances. While I was there I was on the lookout for job opportunities in the Arab countries. I came across a position in Jeddah. After applying and being interviewed my application was accepted.

Before commencing my new life and job in Jeddah, I returned to Malaysia where I met Dr Johannes/Yahya Snyman and with his assistance finally officially took the Shahaadah and accepted Islam on the fourth of September 1978, even though my heart had embraced Islam a long time ago.”

Witnessing such an extreme change of circumstance and life condition, from being a Monk to being a Muslim, we take cognisance of the fact that when there exists such a strong desire for Guidance and Truth, the ocean of life will bring one to the sanctified shores of Islam, through the Will and Plan of ALLAH.

Extracted from the column In The Embrace of Islam from the South African based print magazine_ The Muslim Woman…With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, tweets as @muslimahatpeace

Let His Love lead the way…in the Blessings of ALLAH endeavour to live your day! RSB

Attracted to Islam…Captivated By It’s Morals & Disciplines

Like a precious pearl in the oyster of the clam; like a glint of gold in a treasure box…one solitary glimpse and the eye and mind is attracted and held captive to the endless possibilties. Similarly, for those who have cast that first solitary glance at the precious dimensions of Islam and have glimpsed the tempting treasures within, they would agree that their hearts and souls have been attracted and captivated…by all that is Islam.

Being the human beings that we are, comprised of a mind, body, heart and most importantly, a soul, we find that we are naturally inclined and attracted to all that is good, all that is pure. Our hearts recognise it; our souls yearn for it; even if our minds are not yet ready to embrace it. But there are always those who courageously journey towards what their hearts have recognised and their souls have yearned for. Encounter brother Hendrik Van Dyk’s attraction to Islam, it’s morals and disciplines and his courageous choice of embracing that which his heart had recognised and his soul had yearned for, SubhanALLAH!

“Bismillah hirahmaan Nirraheem. While I have taken the Muslim name Ridhwan, my birth name is Hendrik Van Dyk. I grew up in an Afrikaans Christian family and we attended the Dutch Reformed Church commonly known amongst Afrikaners as the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk. I was your typical Afrikaner boy in a small town wherein friends, braai and socialising was the ultimate goal. I was comfortable at that time with being Christian and it was by chance that I met a few Muslim people via social networking and later became good friends. I was very attracted to their moral values and discipline, like the praying, not drinking and abstaining from sex etc.

However, I often wondered how is it possible that Muslims live the way that a Christian is supposed to live, yet according to Christian belief only Christians would go to Heaven. This thought, that how could a loving God send my Muslim friends to Hell and I to Heaven, especially if I was not such a religious practicing person, gnawed at my conscience. The more I thought of it, the more questions arose that needed to be answered and I just had to know. I was very eager to know more. One of my friends, now my wife, Alhamdulillah, sent me an English translation of the Holy Quraan and some booklets that made for easy reading. This was during 2008.

The Quraan translation was very clear about belief, that is, Allah being One and Only. However, while reading the translation I was constantly looking for debatable points, this due to the fact that I was used to discovering the many gaps in Christianity. I wanted to find something wrong in the Quraan. But I never could! Alhamdulillah.

The Islamic booklets raised many more questions and I approached a few churches and pastors in town to help find some answers. The answers were not satisfactory at all. I then asked around and discovered a few Muslim families residing in my town. I approached the haafidh of the local Jamaat Khana, who gave me extra reading material as well as DVD’s by Sheikh Ahmed Deedat. At this juncture Allah in His Infinite Mercy and Wisdom was already lifting the veil from my eyes and heart. During December of 2009 I knew that I wanted to be Muslim. However, I was just so scared about what my family and friends would think and say. The Muslim brothers I spoke to gave me the confidence and courage to take that first step and in January of 2010 I took the Shahaadah before the maghrib salaah.”

After sharing his amazing discovery and journey to Islam, brother Ridhwan conveyed the effect his reversion had on his close family and friends, “Most of my family knew of my spiritual journey because they were also questioned during my research. I tried to use the best approach when I told my family about my reversion. Even though they suspected that I might revert they were still very shocked by the news. We have our fair share of debates but we also have a mutual respect for one other and they have accepted who I am as a Muslim.”

Discussing the challenges of reverting, he stated, “Alhamdulillah Allah has blessed me and made it easy for me in so many ways. But let it be known that being a young new revert has its challenges. For me the biggest challenge was trying to inculcate and live a halaal lifestyle in a very non-halaal environment. And with that I’ve ‘lost’ ‘friends’. I reiterate that Allah has really blessed me and given me the strength to overcome these challenges.”

Looking through the eyes of a revert, enables us to deeply comprehend and realise the beauty of our faith, especially when they share what they love about Islam, as Brother Ridhwan has, “My favourite aspects about being a Muslim are: the God consciousness, hearing the Adhaan, the brotherhood and Jumuah!”

Sharing his message to Muslims and non-Muslims, he said, “You are really blessed by being born a Muslim, don’t take it for granted. We should be strong and be proud to be Muslims and try to educate others with our character. It you are a non-Muslim and you’re reading The Muslim Woman Magazine, then what are you waiting for?! Build up your courage and say the shahaadah before it is too late. May ALLAH guide you and make it easy for In Sha ALLAH.

Conveying his concluding sentiments, Brother Ridhwan’s heartfelt advices were, “Death is inevitable, therefore let us try to live as Allah has commanded us to. We are only here to be tested in order to obtain the best in the Hereafter. Live and do for the Pleasure of ALLAH only. And remember, if ALLAH is with you nobody can stand against you. Also Jazakallahu khair for this opportunity to share my story. In Sha ALLAH, I hope that it will serve as a means to encourage and assist someone in a similar situation. Please remember my family and me in your special duas.”

With a powerful magnetic force, Islam continues to attract the multitude of searching souls through many of its dimensions, morals and disciplines…to all that is Islam, SubhanALLAH!

Extracted from my article, from the SA print mag- The Muslim Woman Magazine.

With intent on aspiring and inspiring towards the ‎​L♥√ع and Pleasure of ALLAH subhanawa’ta’ala,
Rehana Shah-Bulbulia, the author of ‘Falling In Love With Muhammad SAW’, tweets as @muslimahatpeace

Let His Love lead the way…in the Blessings of ALLAH endeavour to live your day! RSB

Islam…Her Sweet Secret

Sometimes in life we have the honour of witnessing the beauty of a sweet secret: Be it a fleeting moment or a life’s legacy. Yet many a time we wish to share or divulge such a secret to those closest to us, those whom we love. In fact that is exactly how Islam began: as a sweet secret shared for three years between the Noble Prophet Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam, those closest to him and those who eagerly sought guidance by being of the first to enter the fold of Islam.

In this month series In The Embrace of Islam, we encounter the inspiring tale of reversion of Sister Aisha who hails from the lush green rolling hills of Scotland and the beauty of her sweet secret…Islam.

Enlightening us as to her life prior to Islam, Sister Aisha shared, “My own parents and siblings were not overly religious but were Christian in their outlook.  I also married at the tender age of eighteen to a non religious man, which meant that I could never really discuss religion and faith with anyone. Yet this did not decrease my faith in God.  I have lived through many trials but have been brought up with the principle that a woman’s place is with her husband. So divorce has never been an option.  As such, my life has had lots of ups and downs over the years. However, it may be best that I don’t expand on things in that area.”
Conveying to us her journey to Islam, Sister Aisha said, “It may seem a little odd but I became curious about Islam because of the negative press around it. I could not believe that any religion would condone what was being said in the media.  So from there it transpired that every opportunity I had to talk to any muslim at work, I would ask the occasional question. The more I asked the more I wanted to know. However, being in an area where there are so few muslims whom I had contact with, I found it difficult to know where to start reading and learning. This went on for several years.  During a particularly difficult time in my life someone from the middle east was seconded to my company for a working period.  Eventually we started talking and we would discuss religion. He would share with me about Islam and I would share information regarding Christianity.  The more we spoke the more I realised that Islam answered many of the questions I had in a way that Christianity never could. 
There were two key factors that lead me to accept Islam: Firstly, knowing that the Quran has been unchanged from the moment it was originally dictated by the Angel Gabriel (this was something that always troubled me about the Bible.). Secondly, after reading a book concerning science in Islam, I knew immediately that it was the right and only true religion.”
Regarding her family’s reaction and the challenges she faces, Sister ‘Aisha conveyed on a note of sadness,
“Sadly because of my husband’s feelings, he will not allow me to practice my religion so I have to practice secretly therefore only a few close people know my secret. My daughter and her husband think it’s fantastic, I quote “you seem to glow with happiness when you discuss Islam.” We even have discussions about the hijab and which colours I should wear with what. Her husband also joins in with these discussions!  They are simply wonderful.  Only a few others know but they realise I’m still me and support me as they realise that being a Muslim makes me deeply happy. The biggest challenge I face as a Muslim is that I am unable to practice my religion openly. Only with a few people am I free to display and discuss my Islam. These moments fill me with much happiness, because when I am in their company I can be me.”
Concerning her favourite aspects of being a Muslim, Sister Aisha said,
“I love the feeling that I have truly found the right path; the connection and closeness of the Muslim Ummah (in my case my Muslim twitter family)and the way fellow Muslims support one another. It’s truly wonderful.”

On a somewhat lighter note Sister Aisha shared her ‘first outing with hijab’ story which she had previously shared on twitter:
 “I still remember the first time I wore the hijab out of my home. I’d worn it on and off for a few weeks around the house to get used to it.  Finally I took a deep breath and stepped out of the house, I practically ran to the car! When I got in I sighed with relief, I remember saying to myself ‘Ok you’ve made it this far.’  I drove to the shops and sat in the car park for a few minutes, gathering my courage and making duaa.  Eventually I got out of the car and headed to the supermarket.  I walked with a confidence that I really wasn’t feeling. My legs were shaking and my heart was racing, but I kept my eyes lowered and kept on walking.  I felt that everyone must be staring at me, but to be honest they weren’t. Yes, I drew some glances but that’s because there are no hijabis in the town I was shopping in.  I, then, in my determination not to attract attention to myself, actually knocked over a display in the supermarket aisle!  Hilarious when I look back now, in fact I laughed then too. 
Do people look at me or treat me differently when I wear hijab? Yes they do. It may be because I don’t live in an area where there are many Muslims, or that I have fair skin and they can’t quite work out why I am wearing the hijab.  I’ve also found that people are more polite and respectful in their dealings with me. 
To my fellow sisters I say, ‘Give it a go, you may be surprised at how protected and close to Allah you feel, and unlike my first outing In sha Allah you won’t knock over any supermarket displays!”

I have found through my regular interaction with so many beautiful reverts, that they have beneficial advices and messages to share to Muslims and non Muslims alike. Sister Aisha conveyed hers, “Islam is the most beautiful religion. There are so many people like myself who are rather shy to ask, but share with them the beauty and peace that Islam teaches; show them that it is the right path to follow; include them in your activities and help open their eyes.
And to non Muslims, I urge you not to be afraid to ask about Islam; don’t listen to the negative press and don’t believe all that you hear. Learn about Islam for yourself and you will understand what it is all about, In Sha ALLAH.
Regarding the reception she receives in her hometown in Scotland, she said, “I live in a rural community where there are very few Muslims.  But when I wear my hijab people treat me differently, more respectfully and it is heartwarming.”
Sister Aisha eloquently conveyed her  concluding sentiments and thoughts,
 “Share the knowledge of Islam with those around you.  Each day I thank Allah for bringing someone into my life to show me the way to Him. Trust in ALLAH and turn to Him in your times of need, He will answer. But don’t forget to thank Him for all that He has already blessed you with.  I have also realised that every challenging period in my life, ihas undoubtedly made me stronger and for that I say, Alhamdullilah.”

Dear readers, each story of reversion leaves us reflecting over the multitude of blessings we have…by just being Muslim. We pray that our Kind ALLAH grant each of us the sweetness of Imaan as He has blessed Sister Aisha with the sweetness of Islam and we fervently invoke ALLAH that He grant her and all muslims and believers throughout the world the ease, blessing and opportunity to display their Imaan and Islam openly, ameen Ya Rabbal ‘aalimeen!

Extracted from my column, In The Embrace of Islam from the SA print mag- The Muslim Woman Magazine, Volume 13, Edition 8
Rehana Shah Bulbulia Twitter account- @muslimahatpeace

Let His Love lead the way…in the Blessings of ALLAH endeavour to live your day! RSB

An Invitation like no other: A Guest… IN the House of ALLAH.

An inspiring interview in which Mufti AK Hoosen, of Channel Islam International, shares with the Muslim Woman Magazine the insight of his unique, blessed and privileged experience of entering Baitullah-The House of ALLAH.

“Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, labbaika laa shareeka lakka labbaik. Innal hamda Wan’imata lakka walmulk, laa shareeka lak.” The talbiyah- the chant and cry of the hujaaj reasonates throughout the four corners of the world. ‎All Praises Belong to our Magnificent and Merciful ALLAH, for it is that time of year again. Hearts yearning, tears falling, tongues pleading, souls submitting, “We are present ALLAH, We are at Your service and ready to obey your call.”
SubhanALLAH it is that time again, when the blessed pilgrimage of Al-Hajj beckons the heart and soul of every Mu’min.

Indeed for every person who intends Hajj and for every person who has performed Hajj, the sacred cities and places of visitation during Hajj affords so much for the nourishment and rejuvenation of the heart and soul. The City of Peace, the City of Light- Al Madinnatul Munawwarah, the resting place of our Beloved Nabi Muhammad sallallahualaiwassallam. And Makkah Mukkaramah-Masjidul Haram, the sphere in which exists The Radiant and Majestic House of ALLAH-Al Kabah.

Throughout the annals of history and from the beginning of time, the Kabah has stood as a beacon of faith. Drawing millions and millions of people of all ages, race, creed and nationality to journey to it, in an effort to reach and connect with it’s Owner-ALLAH subhanwata’ala.

Al-Kabah has been referred to by ALLAH in the Glorious Quran as Al Baytul Haraam- The Sacred House, Baytullah-House of ALLAH, Al Baytul Ateeq- which has a variety of meanings and Qibla. And ALLAH makes mention regarding the benefits it offers in Surah Al Maa’idah, Verse 97- “ALLAH has made the Ka’bah, the sacred house a means by which (the physical and spiritual safety and well being of mankind is maintained.”

How often and how desperately do we desire to visit the Ka’bah, through the seasons of Hajj and ‘Umrah? How many tears do we shed in begging ALLAH to bring us to His House? And when we are blessed to make these spiritual journeys, how satiated and fulfilled do we feel. If, for a moment you can relive and recall the pure ecstacy and joy of standing infront of the Kabah and performing tawaaf of the Kabah… Yet can we imagine a moment and feeling that could possibly surpass this. SubhanALLAH! Imagine that you had not only been invited TO the House of ALLAH but also being honoured to enter INTO the House of ALLAH. ALLAHuakbar! This was indeed the unique and privileged experience of Mufti AK Hoosen, which he has generously shared with us, Alhamdulillah.

We begin by saying a special Jazakallahukhairan to Mufti AK for affording the readers of The Muslim Woman Magazine the opportunity and insight of his most beautiful and unique experience to not only be of those who regularly visit Baitullah, but on this occasion to be a guest inside the Kabah-the House of ALLaH. And we also pray that ALLAH accept all his tremendous efforts in educating, uplifting and inspiring the Muslim Ummah, ameen.

Q. Alhamdulillah, Muftisaheb was granted such a unique and fortunate opportunity to be of those who were invited to enter the Kabah. Could Muftisaheb please begin by enlightening the readers as to how and when this blessed opportunity was presented to Muftisaheb?
It is only the Grace and Mercy of Almighty Allah that my dream became a reality. A friend of mine Hafez Faisal Qasim entered the Baitullah a few years ago and I requested that he should include my name when another opportunity arose. Alhamdulillah, in due course I was informed that my name was on the list and needless to say that I used to make dua for it.

Q. SubhanALLAH! Many of us yearn just to stand before Baitullah and when the time arrives, we are so emotionally overcome by the awe of such a blessed moment. One cannot begin to imagine the height of emotion experienced by actually entering ALLAH’s Sacred House. Please walk us through your thoughts and emotions on firstly knowing that ALLAH had blessed you with such an opportunity and secondly, when that moment finally arrived and you entered the Kabah?
When we arrived in Makka and performed our Umrah, my greatest concern was to enter the Baitullah. The sheikh informed us that insha-Allah we would receive the cards in a few days time. It was a Friday the last day of Rajab 1432, when after maghrib salaah that the sheikh contacted me and we performed Esha salat together in the Haram Shareef and he instructed me to make dua. In the dua I cried, “Ya Allah tomorrow the doors of the Kaaba will be opened. Please make me from those fortunate ones who will enter the Baitullah. The Sheikh was also emotional as the dua was made in Arabic and subsequently he gave me the card. The card was gold in colour with a photo of the Kaaba on top and my name and details etc were printed on it. With tears rolling down I accepted it gratefully and hastily departed from the Haram to give the good news to my wife.

Q. It would be most beneficial if Muftisaheb could inform and enlighten us at to the Sunnah method and History of entering Baitullah?
After the conquest of Makkah during Ramadhaan 8AH, Nabi sallallahualaihiwassallam and some of the Companions RA performed salat in the Baitullah. Sayyidina Bilal RA rendered the azaan on top of the Baitullah and they then entered the Kaaba to perform salat. It is the only place in the world that one can face in any direction whilst reading salat inside the Baitullah.

Q. Could Muftisaheb share with us the number of Ulema as well as the various parts of the world from which they hailed, who too had been invited to be a part of the contingent or group that you were in?
Sheikh Saad of Riyadh, who facilitated the entry into the Kabah with Br Abdul Gaffar Qasim of Malawi who was in my group. Initially the royal family, diplomats and ambassadors entered. Thereafter the invited guests were allowed to enter.

Q. How much time was given to each of you, as a group or individually, within this sacred house of ALLAH?
It was a Saturday, 1st Shabaan 1432. We were informed to meet at 6am at the Mizana (where the azaan is given). The army comprising 1000 were around the Baitullah and people were making tawaaf behind them. The guests were escorted in a single file between the army and the Baitullah. It was at 6-30am that our group was allowed to go through. Our first stop was at Rukn Yamani, after passing my hands over it, I performed salat there. The second stop was at Hajr Aswad (black stone) and I kissed it and thereafter our cards were taken away by the officials. Subsequently, I climbed the stairs and as I stood in the Kaaba the tears were rolling down my cheeks and I was so overwhelmed by this blessed occasion. The smoke of the bakhoor (loban) was very powerful inside the Kaaba and I noticed a green curtain on top. On Friday I had read last 5 juz of the Noble Quran but stopped at Surah Feel and decided and made niyyah that, “ Oh Allah I will complete the last 10 surahs of the Noble Quran in the Baitullah. Inside the Kaaba were 35/40 men and I I managed to find place facing the eastern wall and performed 2 rakaats salat and completed my Quran Shareef. I prolonged the sajdas and made abundant dua for my family, teachers, ulama, CII, friends and the ummah at large. Thereafter I faced the northern wall and performed 2 rakaats salat to thank Almighty Allah for this great bounty. I was inside the Baitullah for 25 minutes, Alhamdulillah. Although it was stipulated that each guest should spend 5 minutes only.

Q. When we study Seerah, we are informed of those who would enter the Kabah-the chiefs of the Quraish and how they would place their various agreements within the Kabah. We are also given a description of the interior of the Kabah: that it has 3 wooden pillars supporting the roof, each with a diameter of 44cm, standing 2,35 metres apart. And that there is a mehraab directly infront of the door. According to Bilal RA, as he shared with Abdullah ibn Umar RA, that this is the exact spot where Nabi SAW performed salaah. Could you please describe the interior of the Kabah, with regards to your personal experience?
The interior of the Kaaba comprises 3 pillars made of sandalwood and the walls and floors are made of marble. There are no Quranic inscriptions inside the Kaaba.

Q: Please enlighten the readers regarding the ghusal of the Kabah?
Twice a year, on the first of Shabaan and Muharram the doors of the Kaaba are opened to wash the Baitullah. Zam-zam and rose water is used for this bi-annual event and guests are invited from various parts of the world. The Banu Shaiba family have been entrusted with the keys of the Baitullah for more than 1400 years. When the Conquest of Makkah took place Nabi Sallallahualaihiwassallam instructed the Sahaba to hand the keys to the members of this family as the following verse was revealed inside the Kaaba; “Verily Almighty Allah commands you to hand over the trust to those worthy of them (surah 4 verse 58).

Q: Could Muftisaheb share with us some of the other Ulema’s thoughts and emotions regarding their unique, once in a lifetime opportunity?
Every scholar or layperson’s desire is to enter the Baitullah as this was the sunnah of our Beloved Nabi Kareem sallallahualaihiwassallam and we all beg Almighty Allah to accept it.

Q: We always benefit from Muftisahebs innumerable and truly beneficial advices, Alhamdulillah. What naseeha or message do you wish to share with the Ummah, after such a momentous and beautiful experience?
the baitullah is the nucleus of this planet. we should remain focused on the mission and message of nabi muhammad saw to the entire world. therefore, wherever we are we have to face the baitullah during salat.

Q: The Blessed days of Hajj once again beckon us and for the thousands who are preparing for the greatest spiritual journey of their lives, please impart some concluding advice, with regards to the sacredness of the time, place and opportunity?
Each prospective hajji should rectify their intention, use halal money for this sacred journey of love and use their time productively.

Q: Is there anything else that Muftisaheb wishes to share with the readers, with regards to this experience or with regards to the performancre of Hajj and Umrah?
It is sad that nowadays many people desicrate the sanctity of the Haramain Sharifain with the cell-phones. Remember we are the guests of Almighty Allah and Nabi Muhammad sallallahualaiawassallam, hence we need to follow the protocol of a hajji and a slave of Almighty Allah. May Almighty Allah accept everyone’s haj and ziyarat to Madina Munawwarah.

As we conclude reflecting over the greatness of such an experience as Mufti AK’s and as the Great Days of Haj are upon us, we invoke ALLAH subhanawata’ala to grant each and every hajee a maqbool/accepted and mabroor/righteous hajj. And we implore our Kind ALLAH, calling out to Him, “We are present O ALLAH and ready to obey Your call. Accept each of us for Your Blessed pilgrimage over and over again. Grant us visitation to Your Sacred Cities- the City of Your Beloved and the City of Guidance. Grant that just as You have allowed and will allow us to hold Your House- Al Ka’bah in our sight, that one day soon , in the eternal life, You will grant us the Supreme Vision of Your Countenance, ameen.”

Extracted from my column, In The Embrace of Islam from the SA print mag- The Muslim Woman Magazine, Volume 12, Edition 8
Rehana Shah Bulbulia Twitter account- @muslimahatpeace

Let His Love lead the way…in the Blessings of ALLAH endeavour to live your day! RSB