POSITIVE THINKING…“What Consumes Your Mind, Controls Your Life”

Like a raging forest fire consuming and devouring everything that lies in its path, even that which is good, negative thoughts powered by negative emotions trail a similar blaze through our minds. Do you ever have those feelings or emotions that just control you, that just consume you? Something that overwhelms you and no matter what, your mind returns to feeding the flame of these thoughts. Think about it for a second…Perhaps it’s an issue that you have dealt with your whole life; perhaps it’s something that has transpired recently and you cannot get pass it… emotions and thoughts. You just feel it pulsate from your mind and heart throughout your entire body, fueling the fire of emotions that consume you and control you. So the question is, are the thoughts that are consuming your mind, controlling you? Do you rule and govern your emotions and thoughts or are you ruled by them?

If you have answered in the affirmative to these questions and you wonder how can you change this and transport yourself to the safehouse of positive thinking where your thoughts and emotions do not control nor consume you, it’s quite simple, both intellectually and spiritually.
Firstly, remember that we cannot have an emotion without a thought first. In order to feel sad we have to think sad thoughts and likewise in order to feel happy we need to think happy thoughts. And as we are in charge of our thoughts; of changing our thoughts, we have the potential to change our emotions, SubhanAllah. This is in fact the unbreakable bond and connection between emotions and thoughts.

Our thoughts and obsessions will determine how our lives play out and whether or not we are successful in what we hope to achieve. Anything that consumes our minds will control our lives, and this will happen on both a conscious and a subconscious level. Our subconscious will work very hard to make what we believe will happen… actually happen, whether our expectations are positive or negative. When something consumes our mind it is difficult to stop thinking about it, and this then takes control of every aspect of our lives. If we are consumed with thoughts of losing weight then every area of our lives will be controlled by weight loss factors. We may skip meals, refuse certain foods, and even exercise too much in order to achieve the goal that we are consumed by.

Many people are self destructive without even realizing it, because they are consumed by negative thoughts. These thoughts are repeated so much that they can become a self fulfilling prophecy. The same is also true with positive thoughts.

Take a hard look at what consumes your thoughts and decide whether this is something that you want to have control of your life. It is possible to change negative thought patterns and obsessions so that you have a better life, but only if you are willing to let go of any negative obsessions and redirect your thoughts in a more positive manner. Remember that what you think and believe can be changed when you get both your conscious and subconscious mind on board with the changes.

As Muslims we are made aware of negative, bad or evil thoughts by ALLAH SWT through Al Quraanul Kareem and our Beloved Messenger SAW. We are forewarned that shaytaan will throw evil suggestions into our minds, assail our thoughts or make us linger on negative thoughts and emotions. These suggestions have no power over us unless we choose to act on them. If we follow an evil or negative train of thought, then it will lead us to a terrible end… committing a sin.
Thus, when we find ourselves caught up in a negative or evil space of thinking, we need to immediately replace these negative/evil thoughts with positive inward statements to cancel their effects. Abu Dharr RA reported that the Messenger of ALLAH SAW said, “Follow a bad deed with a good deed and it will erase it.”(Tirmidhi)
Positive thoughts are those that produce good feelings, good deeds, peace of mind, gratitude, tranquility, contentment, and other positive emotional states. These are truthful thoughts about ALLAH, hope in the Hereafter, the prophets, our blessings, good deeds, and so on. They produce wisdom and enlightenment in the heart.
Negative thoughts are those that produce bad feelings, anger, envy, jealousy, hatred, anxiety, depression, and other negative emotional states. These are thoughts about the world, our wealth, our status, people we do not like or who have wronged us, and so on. The cause of these thoughts is an attachment to the delusions of worldly and materialistic life that cloud the heart and prevent its purification.
Not all thoughts about the world are evil. Thinking about something ALLAH has blessed us with in the world is good thought. And we have a duty to take care of our worldly affairs too, to meet our work obligations, pay our bills, fulfill our trusts, and so on. We should think about these things are not only necessary but beneficial too. Ibn Al-Qayyim wrote, “The most beneficial remedy is that you preoccupy yourself with thoughts of what should concern you and not those that should not concern you. Thinking about what does not matter to you is the door of every evil. Whoever reflects upon what does not concern him, then he will miss what does concern him.” (AlFawaid)
This means busying ourselves with worldly thoughts only to the extent that is necessary, and also learning not to worry about matters beyond our circle of influence or control. If we constantly worry or get upset by things we cannot change, that will take our attention away from what we can change.
After understanding the effects of positive and negative thoughts, we then need to direct our thought processes towards positive trains of thought and learn to dismiss negative thoughts before they take us into a downward spiral. Many of the Prophet’s companions considered the skill to direct thought in a positive way as the enlightenment of true faith. Amir ibn Abdi Qais RA, said:
I heard from more than one or two or of the companions of Muhammad SAW, that the radiance or light of faith is in reflection.” (Durre Manthur)
Thinking about the blessings of ALLAH is itself an act of worship that leads to gratitude, contentment, and happiness. It takes no significant effort from us and yet it produces great results in our lives. Umar ibn Abdul Aziz ra said: “Speaking in remembrance of ALLAH the Exalted is good, yet thought upon the blessings of ALLAH is the best act of worship.” (Tafsīr Ibn Kathir)

All of this points to the fact that the believers should be optimistic and not pessimistic or cynical. There are no omens in Islam (or signs that predict the future), but the believers are always expecting the best from ALLAH even if they do not know exactly how it will be. Abu Huraira RA reported that Nabi SAW said, “There are no omens, but the best of it is optimism.” In aspiring to be positive thinkers we need to take hold of the thoughts that consume our minds, so that nothing controls our thoughts, feelings, words or deeds… except that they be good and beneficial for our dunya and Aakhirah.

This Article appeared in an Edition of The Muslim Woman Magazine

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~RSB ~Author, Journalist, International Motivational Speaker, Islamic Scholar, Tahfeedhul Quraan Student & teacher, Humanitarian, Archery Instructor, University Tutor, holds 3 degrees BA(English, Arabic, Islamic Studies) BA Hons IST(Cum Laude) MA IST.

“Enough of a boast that He is my Lord;enough of an honour that I am His slave.”